A Social Organization for Families, Breeders and Devotees of the Irish Wolfhound

NEW:  14 Feb 2005                    u                             Updated 17 Dec 2012


Meetings are held quite informally on a periodic time table...a bit like "y'all come when ya kin"  The Calendar and Mailing List are updated as frequently as possible, but this Home Page is the place to get on the Mailing List for our Local get togethers! We encourage you to become active--AND learn the correct way to enjoy this great, noble breed! We are always available to answer questions and listen to your anecdotes about your new family member.

We'd like to know more about you and your Special Friend, your Irish Wolfhound. I hope the response button is working, but I'm such a novice at webpage design and all the bells and whistles, please bear with me! So, okay, all I ask is you fill out and SEND the information below, BUT also eMail me directly (dixie@sunstag.org) just in case my buttons don't work. We want to get the information to you pronto! 


Event Highlights
e-News, What's Next?

Fill out the form below to be added to the SCIWFC
E-News Mailing List and Member Roster.*

A. Please enter your Name, Address,
City, State, Zip, Telephone Number
with Area  Code; we'd like you to
include your E-Mail address and
FAX number.

B. What other breed(s) of sighthound do you currently own? We know you have or would like to have an Irish Wolfhound!
Use the Control Key for more than one.

C. Would you like to be
on the E-News mailing list?
[If we ever put one together...]


D. The Club needs YOUR help to succeed. We hope that each member will volunteer to Host a get-together where the hounds can play and romp, where the humans can chat and break a cracker or two (bread says dinner, we say snack!) sharing experiences and anecdotes! Great fun! Some of our families are interested in doing other things with their Hound, like, going to shows for the fun of it, educating their hound in Obedience, or giving a try at Lure Coursing. Which of these MOST interests you? I know one of us can offer guidance and help.
  Dog Show FUN   Mailing List Postmaster
  Obedience Training   Site Provider--Your backyard?
  Lure Coursing Training and Participation   Member Hospitality 
  Event Planner & Calendar Update   Naah! 'Just wanna' come play!
  All of the above! I love to keep busy!   Other. Please, describe in E. Comments below
F. If you know of other Irish Wolfhound families, we'd like to place them on our mailing list. Please leave their name, address, telephone and FAX number(s), and Email (if any) here:


THANK YOU! We appreciate your visit!

WELCOME! And Please visit our Event Highlights!

Dixie Hirsch, Contact
P.O. Box 777 ... Silverado, CA 92676-0777
Phone Message (714) 649-2770 || Direct & FAX 714/649-0102
E-Mail: dixie